Dragon Speech Recognition for Differently Abled People

It has been
suggested that one of the most important promising areas for the application of
speech recognition is in helping disabled persons. Dragon Speech Recognition
software does full justice on it. Speech recognition is the underlying
technology that powers voice assistants. They provide a way for computers to
understand the human spoken word. Although they’re advertised as a means to
improve productivity, they can be a game changer for the disabled. This is
especially true if operating computing devices is difficult due to upper limb
How Dragon Speech Recognition helps in overcoming disabilities
Upper Body Injuries
recognition allows the user to create any type of document entirely by voice
control. Without touching a keyboard or mouse, you can load programs, control
your PC, open documents, surf the net, and create, send and receive
email. Also, fill out forms, modify text, move around within documents, control
the mouse and printer.
Vision Impairments
Voice Recognition allows the user to type by voice, plus get audio feedback to
acknowledge the users dictation and commands were understood. For example, say
“ paragraph new “and the PC presses the enter key twice and announces it has
started a new paragraph. Included with the voice program is a screen reading
program that reads the words on the screen, allowing the user to hear back what
has been typed. The screen reading aspect can also be used to read the text you
may have on the PC (emails, letters and other texts)
The user’s
voice is also stored, allowing an assistant to proof read the document,
clicking on any word in question. The assistant here is the heat user actually
saying that word in question. So they can correct the word without asking the
recognition technology can be of great benefit to people of all ages that
suffer from learning disabilities.
The screen
reading functions within the programs are of great benefit for Dyslexia and
reading problems.
By being able
to dictate what they’re thinking, the system keeps up with the user thoughts,
getting those ideas quickly down on paper. Also by providing visual
reinforcement of the words on the screen, it helps organised what they are
trying to communicate. They can later edit and organised the text into completed
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